Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Walt Disney Company is 180,000 employee strong that hopefully needs a southwest Montana getaway: Boulder Creek Lodge

The Walt Disney Company was a significant part of my life growing up in the midwest. Every weekend my family was assured a personal visit by Walt Disney to our living room. :-)

As an adult I have been consumed by Walt Disney's life, obstacles he faced, choices he made, management style he developed, hospitality philosophies, corporate identity, product branding, and the art of "Constantly Business Plussing".

The backbone in the decision to purchase the Boulder Creek Lodge in Hall, Montana was based on my wish to replicate at Boulder Creek as many reincarnations of Walt's undaunting passion and success formulas for business as possible.

While the Walt Disney Company has copyrighted the rightful goal of Walt Disney World/Disneyland being "The Happiest Places on Earth" my goal is to take one small step each and every day with the hope of creating my version of the "Happiest Place in Montana".

While Walt Disney in fact created the company that exists today, Bob Iger the current CEO has quietly taken the Disney Company to heights never thought possible. 
Mickey Mouse and Bob Iger CEO Disney Company
Disney Company does in fact have many incredible venues located all over the world. I hope that the Disney Company needs just one more viable option for an employee getaway, brainstorming location, or as a perk for their high performing Disney Cast Members.

Boulder Creek Lodge has beautiful surroundings as can be seen via this video created by one of our BCL guests this past summer. Boulder Creek Lodge Resort Video

In addition for the special company retreat, BCL has WiFi and multiple DSL connections with the regional carrier.

We have 10 beautiful cabins, 10 RV or 5th wheel hookups and many, many pop-up or camping options available.  For that outside entertainment option we have a performance stage and full line catering options available. 

Online reservation are available for 2016.  BCL would very much like to partner with Microsoft Inc. and provide either corporate needs or employee rewards moving forward.

·         Glacier National Forest - www.nps.gov/glac/index.htm
·         Yellowstone National Forest - www.nps.gov/yell/index.htm
·         Missoula, MT - www.ci.missoula.mt.us/
·         Butte, MT - www.co.silverbow.mt.us/
·         Helena, MT - www.helenamt.gov/
·         Historical Ghost Towns: Garnet, Virginia City, Bannack
·         www.virginiacity.com
·         www.garnetghosttown.net
·         Georgetown Lake – www.georgetownlakemt.com/
·         Discovery Ski Basin - www.skidiscovery.com
·         Philipsburg, MT – www.philipsburgmt.com/
·         Trophy fishing on Gold Creek
·         Trophy hunting in southwest Montana

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